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Valbin Corporation


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Quality Service is our Priority!

Job Announcements: Linguists

We welcome applications from professional and qualified interpreters and translators who have experience in the interpretation/translation field and that can ensure us with linguistic and technical accuracy.

Our translators/interpreters go through a 3 step process:

1. Screening - Valbin interviews all potential new translators/interpreters and language instructors/tutors to evaluate their poise and professional demeanor and to assess their professional skills, training and experience.

2. Testing - Valbin translators and interpreters must pass a bilingual exam. This test evaluates the translator/interpreter on many levels, including fluency in both languages (English and their native language), interpreting competence and knowledge of subject.

3. Evaluation - Valbin regularly evaluates translators/interpreters’ performance through client feedback and random monitoring of on-site appearances.

If you are interested to work as an interpreter, translator or instructor with our company for a specific foreign language please send us an e-mail at with a resume, cover letter specifying the languages you are applying for, and at least three references of your past performance in the language or subject you are applying for. We accept applications from any qualified native foreign language speakers.